Located in the west end of Downtown Athens, the Morton Theatre does not have a dedicated parking lot. Parking is available to downtown patrons in secure decks, metered street spaces, and in surface lots. If you are visiting our box office to purchase advance tickets or for other short errands, the first 30 minutes of parking is FREE in our downtown parking decks. Before and after you enjoy your event, we invite you to explore Downtown Athens for an impressive array of local visitor options for meals, coffee, snacks, drinks, shopping and attractions!

Downtown Parking

On-street parking and parking in the Washington Street Parking Deck (125 West Washington St.) are open to the public.

Deck parking in the Washington Street Parking Deck is $2.00/hour as of March 5, 2025. The deck has a $15 MAXIMUM charge and on-site security.

Metered parking is monitored and enforced Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Rates are $2.00 per hour, meters are monitored from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Metered spaces allow a maximum of two hours between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m., you may purchase additional time.

Parking is FREE in the decks and at metered spaces all day on Sunday.

Downtown parking is also free on the following days: Labor Day, July 4, MLK Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day, and Christmas.


If you are coming to an event or for dinner downtown, nightly parking rates are offered at a number of privately monitored locations when attended.

We advise patrons who utilize these privately owned lots to pay the attendant on duty prior to leaving your parked vehicle, or risk being towed at your own expense.


Downtown Athens is pedestrian-friendly and has plenty of bike racks.


On days the Morton Theatre hosts daytime weekday events are a prime field trip destination. Parking for school buses and marked vans will be available using lanes on West Washington St. and metered spaces marked with signage and traffic cones. Parking in these zones is coordinated by Morton Theatre staff and uniformed bus wranglers. Please follow their instructions for the safe entry to and exit from the theatre. Individual vehicles can find parking in the nearby West Washington St. deck (125 West Washington St.) or in un-reserved metered spaces located throughout Downtown Athens.